Hey there, friend. I’m Emma.
At 25 years old I walked through a season of awakening that sent me to my knees and on a deeply unraveling journey inward. I learned my name meant “whole” when I felt furthest from it. God gave me glimpses then of the days I am living now, the process that was always leading me home. Now my heart burns for the ones unraveling into deeper wholeness, emotional freedom, and the path toward their most fully expressed lives.
Spoiler alert - it’s what you’re born for. To discover and reflect every bit of heaven in every part of your world.
Through years of my own inner healing, self-compassion, and learning the languages of my heart, mind, body, and nervous system, I gained incredible traction. Now I know down in my bones that we are built to heal and bring every wild dream into the world. Every cell in our body knows it to be true; we only have to remember.
I believe Jesus’ words were true when He said He came so that we would know an abundant life. I believe we are here to have the time of our lives. To live lives that resound. Lives lit all the way up, integrated and fully alive. Of rich inner freedom, connectedness and love. The stuff heaven leans over the rails for.
Here you’ll find ramblings and muse, a heart cracked open and a heart budding to life. I won’t always promise pretty but I promise real. Real in all of our becoming, in the middle places, in every brave story we’re here to tell.
I hope you’ll prop your feet up here and see a sign post or two, pointing you home and cheering you on. I hope your soul feels warmed and your heart settles down. I hope you find a friend throwing grace around like confetti, echoing back to you who you are. I hope you shake the dust off your dreams and remember they were tailor made to fit you. And I hope you’ll see your Maker, turning it all to gold.