for the feminine soul

life is fluid and so am i

there’s wisdom down in my bones I’ve heard singing to me even when I’ve forgotten to tune my own ears to her song.

she knows the way— she always has. she knows the cadence to which i must move and remembers the rhythm when I think i’ve missed the beat. she’s anchored and steady yet indulgent as the waves that rise to kiss the shore. she’s ever moving, right where she belongs. never built to be tamed or contained. only beheld. to be held in all her forms.

beauty and strength and waves are always meant to be marveled at. stopped for. taken in. like tears are always meant to be dried.

goodness chases her and laughter goes before.

compassion carves paths to light her holy wild way, wind in her hair, softness in her gaze, the heart of a mother.

she’s quiet hills and the freedom of the sky.

her days spent moving to the tune of intention and delight, the playfulness of her steps pulling others to join the dance.

she’s as familiar to me as mysterious.

unbridled yet somehow so sure.

audacious and reckless, yet the shimmer on all we know to be true,

she’s the calm sea sway as well as the storm.

springing up from within, teaching me to listen, to follow her strong lead.

she’ll make waves and soften hearts and ripple much further than we can see

darling life is fluid and so are we ~

(a hug to the feminine soul)

Emma Tally