you’re already living the miracle

“you’re already living the miracle.”

God tends to grab my attention with words. It’s always been this way with us.

It’s a language i love, one that pierces my whole being, most usually when I am going about my day minding my own business. Whether the thought lands gently or slices me right in two. It’s such words that cause me to pause and simmer and ask why in the world He would feel the need to say such a thing…

This day they pierced my insides.

I let them swirl around my mind for hours.

I took some photos from my drawer and let them talk to me along with my Maker.

As I look back on 5 year old little me, it hit me she knew the art of abundance.

It’s there in her eyes; lit up at her Barbie jeep on her birthday, lit up in her daddy’s arms on a day in June at the beach, lit up with a camera in her hands, lit up over bluegrass at the fair. Living each moment like a miracle.

She did not know any lack or longing. Only shimmering. Fullness. Delight.

She wasn’t looking around comparing her moments, craning her neck around the next corner to what she already knew was available for her. She was in it. Living it. Expressing what she knew to be true on the inside.

When I get bogged down by all that is still being forged and built, I forget to find abundant life is here.

It’s here, in my mundane, morning walk. In the coffee on my lips, in the lit up look in my friends’ eyes, in the evening commute, in the dreams unearthed little by little — in the playful string of seconds that makes up the now. I’m learning to let her teach me again, becoming a student of delight, being led back to the endless well that’s springing up from the inside. Learning of a truth that sets me free. We’re all breathing walking miracles, every minute, every hour, taking in the sights and sounds the make up our lives as we make room for what’s to come.

May we go hunting for the beauty already in our hands.

Inhale, exhale.


Emma Tally